Dear Friend,
We’ve got great news!
We are excited to announce the brand new Koko Signs app! This has been a passion project for the Koko team for a while now. After partnering with the incredible team at ArcTouch it is finally ready. Click here!
Koko’s legacy is about showing the world the remarkable capabilities of gorillas and bringing to light the need for more compassion and care for our fellow creatures on this planet. It’s about being open to communicating and learning from another species so that we can live in harmony with them and both realize our full potential.
Please watch the video for a preview of the app.

Thanks to your donations and a contribution from ArcTouch, the first version of the app has been completed. Koko Signs version 1.0 includes:
• Signs — learning Koko’s favorite signs directly from Koko/Penny
• Conversations — video examples of Koko & friends signing
• Books — Koko’s best sellers, free, with links to sign videos
• KokoCasts — Koko-inspired video podcast on conservation
• KokoGrams — a new way to communicate with your friends
However, we need to raise additional funds to enhance and maintain the app going forward, so that Koko’s legacy continues to generate benefits for great apes worldwide!
As a special incentive, we are offering a pre-release of the Koko Signs app to everyone who makes a donation to The Gorilla Foundation today of $25 or more!

Donate now — in celebration of Giving Tuesday — and we’ll send you a link in advance of the general release of the Koko Signs app (which is planned for late December 2023) to be the first to sample the new app. You will also be a part of a select group of people whose feedback we’ll collect in order to make the next version of the app better for everyone.
Thank you for helping us get this far — we are very close to making the “Koko Effect” (interspecies communication and empathy) just a few clicks away for anyone with a cell phone, from the US to Africa and everywhere in between — with your support!
Wishing you Koko-Love,

Dr. Penny Patterson
President and Director of Research
The Gorilla Foundation / Koko.org
