New Koko Documentary on PBS

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Videographer: BBC

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Gorillas have thoughts and feelings too, and can communicate them, and understand ours, if we give them the opportunity to learn a simple gestural language.

Watch the new Koko documentary, produced by BBC, and airing on PBS:  
Wed., Aug. 3, 2016 at 8pm (Pacific & Eastern)
After you watch the full documentary, come on back to to check out and participate in the top questions (and answers) raised by the new documentary.
From the earlier BBC airing, there should be lots of stimulating and productive discussions emanating from “Koko, the Gorilla who Talks!”
And thank you for the supporting the Gorilla Foundation to help Koko save, care for and learn from her species through direct communication.   We’re into our 5th decade of interspecies communication, and there’s so much more we can accomplish with your help!