Koko Interviews New Kittens for her 34th Birthday

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Photographer: Ron Cohn

Source: gary stanley

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As one of her birthday presents, Koko was visited by a litter of kittens from the San Francisco SPCA, with the hope that she might pick one to be her own. Alas, although she did like the little orange tabby shown here, there wasn”t a strong enough bond to warrant a full time commitment. More kitty interviews are anticipated.

You can view more photos of Koko”s birthday kitten visit on our home page during Koko”s birthday week, and in the new “Koko”s Birthday Highlights” section after that.

Note: Koko”s beloved cat Smoky passed away last year (2004) after a long and famous life as the cat that helped Koko get over her first kitten, All Ball.