Just an everyday conversation between two friends …

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Photographer: Ron Cohn

Source: ABMA Powerpoint Slide 34

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Can you guess what Dr. Patterson (Penny) and Koko are discussing here? It’s always difficult to tell from a still photo what “signs” are being used, as signs involve 3-dimensional motions, or gestures, and different signs may involve some of the same “frames.” That’s why we’ve been preparing more and more Koko video clips for Koko.org; they’re simply more educational and also more accurate for purposes of scientific description.

So please remember to explore the archives of both KokoFlix and KokoPix to learn more about Project Koko – and its implications for humanity. If you look into, and then beyond, all of the sign language, you may get an inkling of a very optimistic future for both of our respective species. Especially if we continue to use language as a bridge to discover the truth about what we share.
