Koko and Nature

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Photographer: Ron Cohn

Source: Koko_Portrait_hi_res_DSCF0047.tif

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Koko was recently asked to  act as an Ambassador for Nature at the 2015 Paris Climate Summit, on behalf of the preservation of biodiversity (i.e., the protection of endangered species of all kinds, and our shared habitat).
Koko is a “natural” ambassador for Nature, as she is so connected to it.  She enjoys spending hours outside in Nature (when the weather is nice enough), and eating natural (unprocessed)  foods, like fruits and vegetables.  And she has a natural instinct for relating to ohter species (humans, cats, dogs, frogs, birds, insects, etc.) in harmonious ways.  And of course, like most gorillas, she was born with a natural gift for communicating via gestures and vocalizations, a gift that we simply helped her adapt and amplify (by teaching her ASL) so that she could be understood by humans. 
And now, after all these years of  communicating with humans, she is able to put that gift to perhaps its most profound use ever, by asking us to “protect the Earth” so that we may all enjoy a sustainable future.  Thank you, Koko!
