Ndume’s View of K’s Bday (Andrea)

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For Koko’s 43rd birthday this year, I decided the theme should revolve around Koko’s favorite treat, flowers. Using colored paper and plastic bottles, wreaths of flowers were hung from twine around Koko’s porch. Paper oragami swans were hung as well.

Of course, Ndume shared in the celebration. Decorations around his rooms were themed for the 4th of July. Red, white, and blue blankets and flags were hung, with extra enrichment boxes wrapped like presents around the outside yard. Ndume enjoyed his popcorn bags and other treats like nuts, kale chips, and trail mix. Later in the day both gorillas enjoyed a special lunch filled with a variety of fruits, veggies, and even a slice of vegan chocolate cake.

Following are some photo highlights of the day . . .


Blog by Andrea Apodaca, Gorilla Caregiver / Researcher

To see more photos and videos of Koko’s birthday, visit Koko’s Birthday pages.

To send a birthday message to Koko (and/or Ndume), click here.
