A Wish for Koko

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Chapter One


I love animals. I always have—and insects too. But I never knew I would love a gorilla till I met Koko.


One morning at school I opened my backpack and found a little book inside. Momma was always doing that—sneaking something in with my lunch. Something she knew I’d like.


Daddy did it, too. One day he made my lunch and stuck in a roll of pennies. People drop pennies and leave them. But I pick up every one I see and make a wish. And anyway they add up. My bank is full of them.

I read the cover, “Koko’s Kitten.”  A gorilla was looking down at a little kitten and holding it like a baby.

I couldn’t believe

Wouldn’t a gorilla eat a kitten?  Maybe it wasn’t real.  But my cat Collie used to sleep with Digger, my rat.  They were best
friends—and cats are supposed to
eat rats.


Now I wanted to read it.
It was hard to wait till lunch.



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[ Cover, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]